2016_AfficheEWS_2_webEarly Warning Signs of ecosystem degradation:

Theory and applications on ecological data

Adrien Inacio (stagiaire de master 2) et Julie Deter participent à ce workshop qui se déroule à Montpellier vendredi 2 septembre.
Programme :
Morning (9h – 12h30):
Vishwesha Guttal, Theory of tipping points and their indicators
Vasilis Dakos, Temporal early warnings
Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio, Scenarios for forest biodiversity dynamics under global change in Europe: identifying micro-evolutionary scale tipping points
Jeff Arnoldi: Variability and the structural stability of ecosystems: two sides of the same coin
Afternoon (13h30 – 17h):
Ehud Meron: Spatial indicators of ecosystem degradation
Pierre Couteron: Quantification of spatial indicators on aerial images
Adrien Inacio: Is there a link between Posidonia oceania spatial configuration and coastal anthropogenic pressures?
Alexandre Génin: The upcoming spatial EWS toolbox
Angeles Mayor: Indicators of land degradation in drylands