We are marine biologists
Our story begins with the discovery of a tiny fish – the Andromeda Goby – in the Marine Reserve of Banyuls-sur-mer at the end of the last century… It was for very young biologists that we were a first scientific discovery, a first new image, but also a name and a concept. “In all science, illustrate and share through underwater images; and each image should show a scientific interest and have meaning”. Twenty years later, the team has grown and is more structured, but the pioneering spirit remains. Preserving the marine environment that was our primary passion has become a global emergency. More than ever, it requires in-depth knowledge of ecosystems and the development of concrete solutions. The skills and experience of Andromède Océanologie are at the service of this major project and are structured around three axes:
Explore and magnify
The Gombessa underwater explorations, led by Laurent Ballesta, aim to discover the marine world and to unite a large audience around a triple challenge: solving a scientific mystery – carrying out extreme dives – collecting new and unique images. Films from the Gombessa expeditions are broadcasted in prime time on ARTE channel and are then sold internationally.
The film “Gombessa 4: 700 sharks into the night” won 14 international awards and was runner-up at the 2019 Emmy Awards. In July 2019 alone, 170 press articles were published on the fifth Gombessa mission “Gombessa 5: Mediterranean Planet ”with 50.7 million people potentially affected (source Kantar Media).
Search and understand
Our Research and Development branch works in close collaboration with universities, mainly on bio-indicators of the quality of water and coastal ecosystems. The company has been approved for Research Tax Credit since 2014 and has created a joint laboratory with the University of Montpellier (Labcom “Intosea”) recognized by the National Research Agency in 2017.
Andromède is currently in charge of setting up implementing networks for monitoring the quality of coastal waters and ecosystems by the Water Agency for the Mediterranean. The results of these monitoring are available on the MEDTRIX cartographic platform. This monitoring network allows France to meet its European obligations in terms of implementing the Water and Marine Environment Directives (DCE, DCSMM).
Protect and restore
From impact studies to the implementation of ecological restoration measures, Andromède Océanologie supports maritime projects with strong environmental ambitions to integrate each coastal or offshore project into its natural environment.
The Andromède Océanologie team intervenes upstream of projects, in order to better understand the ecosystems and species present and avoid foreseeable impacts. In the works or operation phase, Andromède offers the implementation of impact reduction measures and assists the Contracting Authority in calibrating and implementing any compensatory measures. Finally, Andromède Océanologie allows the dissemination of knowledge essential for raising public awareness and involving the project stakeholders.
Andromède Océanologie has been supporting the Monaco sea extension project since the preliminary studies and has carried out the largest Posidonia transplant operation carried out for Bouygues TP Monaco to date as part of this project.
Our transverse and structuring project: The DONIA app
DONIA is a general public mooring and navigation application that offers its users a new cartographic universe allowing them to anchor outside Posidonia meadows (protected marine plant in the Mediterranean). Donia aims to become the “Waze of the Sea”, that is to say the community app for all users of the sea, whether they are divers or boaters.
Andromède Océanologie has received numerous distinctions including the “Entreprise & Environnement” and “European Business Award for the Environment” awards. It was selected in 2015 as one of the “100 French solutions for the climate” at COP21. In 2017 Laurent Ballesta was designated “Wildlife Photographer of the Year” by the Natural History Museum.